British Prime Minister Condemns ‘cowardly’ Execution Of British-Iranian | Duduspree FM Radio
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 British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said he was “appalled” by Iran’s decision to execute British-Iranian dual national, Alireza Akbari, PA Media reported on Saturday.

By Cypher Ilerioluwa
Duduspree News, Texas

“This was a callous and cowardly act, carried out by a barbaric regime with no respect for the human rights of their own people,” Sunak wrote on Twitter.

Foreign Secretary James Cleverly also took to Twitter, saying the “barbaric act” deserved “condemnation in the strongest terms.”

“This will not stand unchallenged,” Cleverly wrote.

Iran had sentenced the former top politician to death earlier in the week over espionage charges

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Cypher Ilerioluwa is a skilled and experienced professional in social media management, blogging, content creation, animation and web design.

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