President Putin ‘Fell Down Stair At Home, Soiled Himself’ | Duduspree FM Radio
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By Cypher Ilerioluwa

Duduspree News, Texas

Russian President Putin ‘Fell Down Stair At Home, Soiled Himself’, Report Says Russian President, Vladimir Putin has reportedly fallen down the stairs at his official residence and soiled himself while suffering from cancer.

According to a telegram channel which claims links to his bodyguards, Channel General SVR, the 70-year-old Russian leader whose health has visibly deteriorated since he launched his war in Ukraine, suffered the fall on Wednesday evening.

He reportedly slipped while coming down the stairs at his Moscow home, Daily Mail reports.


News Source: Saharareporters

Written by:

Cypher Ilerioluwa is a skilled and experienced professional in social media management, blogging, content creation, animation and web design.

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