YNFF Remains Unstoppable | Duduspree FM Radio

Contrary to the speculations from some quarters that the YNFF’s (Yoruba Nation Football Federation) campaign to the Confederation of Independent Football Associations (Conifa) has been aborted, reports reaching us from confirmed sources stated that the team is well represented in South Africa. The team manager and other members of the technical crew are on the ground and they shall coordinate the affairs of the team in South Africa.

The BOT of YNFF debunked the alleged abortion and wish for prayers and support from all well-meaning illustrious sons and daughters of the Yoruba Land as the games shall go on as scheduled. The anonymous source further stated that the first and second teams of YNFF are in safety and more tournaments await the Yoruba Nation Football Federation.

The YNFF beat the South Sudan national team in a friendly match earlier played and promised to go for the gold in all national appearances.


Ajoke Ade


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  • Ajoke Ade


    Go for the gold, and I pray for success!

    • tyreman


      Nice one sister

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